
Hi there! Area rugs have been on my mind for a long time! I have been trying to find the perfect affordable one that will last me through a long time. Area rugs really define a space. They are the rooms anchor, pulling everything together and defining the space. It is a great way to start decorating if you are unsure  of how and where to start. Rugs are also a great way to bring in pattern and color. Styles go in and out, so it is important to pick a classic style to carry you through the years. 

There is a lot to know about rugs. Research what will work best for you and the people you live with. Different types of piles will work better as a door mat, or in a dining room rather than a bedroom or bathroom. Another great styling tip is to layer your rug with another! just like in fashion, floors need some extra lovin'. Start by mixing a natural flat weave with a fur rug, the juxtaposition is amazing! 

These are the 6 rugs I have had my eye on for a good while. I finally found the size I need (7x10) to fit my long sofa. This is the one that I chose. Buying a rug online can be scary so read the reviews and read about the company. This company was so prompt with shipping and it was free! That was a huge bonus for me. It is still on sale! Check it out along with its blue sister :) it is a beautiful rug and the colors were true to my monitor screen. 

no. 1 //no.2//no.3//no.4//no.5//no.6

here are some great inspiration photos to get you excited about finding the rug that you love and need. 

sarah sherman samuel This is where I found the company esalerugs!

sarah sherman samuel This is where I found the company esalerugs!

Nate Berkus uses Caitlin Wilson's  rug in his daughter's nursery. ew la la!   

Nate Berkus uses Caitlin Wilson's  rug in his daughter's nursery. ew la la!